
This page displays a list of available apps and games that can be launched directly on the device. Once installed, they will appear under INV > APPS menu on your Pip-Boy. If you're interested in contributing custom apps, you're welcome to explore the open-source repository on GitHub.

Primary Functions

Misc Functions

App List

File Explorer

Author: Cody Tolene <>

Description: A lightweight file explorer for the Pip-Boy 3000 Mk V. Browse your device's file system and interact with files directly.

Instructions: Use the top-left or top-right rotary wheels or the front radio tuner to scroll. Press the left rotary wheel or front radio tuner to play or stop media. Press the top torch button to restart the device.

Tip: Press play again to stop currently playing media.

File: USER/FileExplorer.js

Version: 1.2.0

Stats Display

Author: gnargle <>

Description: The SPECIAL/Skills/Perks menu for the Pip-Boy 3000 Mk V.

Instructions: Use the scroll wheel to navigate the menu.

File: USER/StatsDisplay.js

Version: 1.0.0

Custom Radio

Author: Cody Tolene <>

Description: A custom music player that allows you to choose the music you want to play from the `/RADIO` directory without restriction.

Instructions: Use the top-left or top-right rotary wheels or the front radio tuner to scroll. Press the left rotary wheel or front radio tuner to play or stop media. Press the top torch button to exit.

Tip: Press play again to stop currently playing media.

File: USER/CustomRadio.js

Version: 1.0.1

Game List


Author: Cody Tolene <>

Description: Pip-Pong is a simple game where you control a paddle that hits a ball back and forth.

Instructions: Use the tune-up and tune-down buttons to move the paddle up and down, and the top torch button to exit the game.

File: USER/PipPong.js

Version: 1.0.0


Author: Cody Tolene <>

Description: Pip-Snake is a simple game where you control a growing snake that eats food and avoids crashing into itself.

Instructions: Use the tune-up and tune-down buttons to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise, the front button to restart, and the top torch button to exit the game.

Tip: The snake wraps around when it hits the edge of the screen.

File: USER/PipSnake.js

Version: 1.0.0

Quick Links
